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MMany businesses have specific types of clients they work with.

I generally work with small to medium churches, non-profits, and businesses to help them get the exposure that they need to reach the people they want to reach.

I work with these clients because they are the ones who need that extra boost to get ahead in their business. I mean, no one knows more than me that EVERY SINGEL MINUTE COUNTS!

Three major things that I can do for those I work with!

  1. Provide a clean and beautiful website that is easy to navigate and tells the story of who you are and what you can do for your clients or customers!
  2. I will make sure that you are set up on the backend to have the best traffic you are able to get to your website. This includes basic SEO and linking to your Google Account so that you achieve the best reach possible in search rankings for your type of business in your area!
  3. I provide professional management that gives you peace of mind that your website will stay up and running so that your customers can reach you when they need you

These are just a few of things I do for my customers so that they are able to focus on the things that matter most to them; running their business and serving their customers!